Welcome to Solstice Power Yoga (& Pilates)


UPDATED WAIVER: Please carefully read and sign our updated waiver. It is required for participation in ALL CLASSES  (In-Studio, Outdoor, and VIRTUAL classes)


For all In-Studio classes, pre-registration is strongly encouraged.

FEELING SICK? PLEASE STAY HOME  Even if you are fully vaccinated, if you have a fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, stomach or body aches, loss of smell or taste, please stay home.

PRE-CLASS PROCEDURE: The Studio will open 20 minutes before class begins. 

MATS/PROPS/RENTALS: Please bring a yoga mat, yoga towel and water to class. Empower Yoga and Solstice Power Yoga has rental mats, rental towels and props available (blocks, straps, weights, bands.) Rental Mats are $3 and Rental Towels are $3. If you rent both a mat & towel the fee is $5.

WATER - The water filling stations are now available for use. Boxed Water is available for purchase. 

LATE ARRIVALS - The door will be locked at the class time start. Please arrive prior to the class start time. 

AFTER CLASS: Please wipe down the area around your mat to ensure the area/floor is dry

Empower Yoga and Solstice Power Yoga have invested in electrostatic disinfectant sprayers/foggers that quickly clean and disinfect the studio. Staff will disinfect/clean the floors, bathrooms, lobby and high-touch surfaces. In addition, the studio will be professionally cleaned and disinfected two times per week. 

 We highly encourage the use of hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes and they are available throughout the studios.

AIR FILTRATION: Empower Yoga and Solstice Power Yoga has installed AirOasis iAdaptAir HEPA/UV Air Filtration devices

The iAdaptAir® HEPA air purifier combines the top five technologies - AHPCO®, Bi-Polar® ionization, germicidal ultraviolet, True HEPA and carbon filtration into one product. 

If you have any questions feel free to contact us at info@solsticepoweryoga.com or info@empoweryogastudio.com

We look forward to seeing you at the studios!