Health Message to our Community

Your health and well-being are always our top  priority. We've been staying up to date on COVID-19 concerns and taking action to protect you and our staff. Additionally we are following CDC guidance and ask that all students do the same. 

It has always been our policy to maintain a clean and healthy studio environment. Additional precautionary and enhanced cleaning measures we are taking:

*Cleaning the studios more than ever with disinfectant cleaners after each class  

*Increased professional deep cleanings from two to three times per week 

*Increased frequency of deep cleaning of blocks and rental mats

*Continually cleaning frequently used surfaces/items in the lobby, studio, and bathrooms with disinfectant cleansers 

*Additional hand-sanitizing dispensers placed throughout the studios for your use*Teachers/assistants will be refraining from hands on adjustments/assists

To help us:

*Please bring your own yoga mats, and blocks if possible. 

*If you need to rent a mat or borrow studio blocks, weights, bands, etc please thoroughly wipe them down with disinfectant before and after use. 

Reminders to everyone:

  •  Stay home if feeling under the weather

  •  Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently and use hand sanitizer often

  •  Cover coughs and sneezes with tissue or inside of elbow

  •  Refrain from touching your face

  •  Maintain a strong immune system with a healthy diet, sleep, exercise, and lots of water! 

Now more than ever we need our yoga and pilates classes! Let's work together to maintain safe and healthy conditions for all of us.  Please continue to care for yourself and those around you with an abundance of caution. Stay healthy and safe and take one day at a time. We will help each other to get through this challenging time together!

Wishing you all good health, peace and strength,

Team Solstice & Team Empower

As always, if you have questions or concerns please email us at